The entire community of Jasper is coming to grips with the loss and devastation of this summer's fire. Many are hospitality workers who come to Jasper to work during its bustling summer tourism season. Not only have many lost their homes and their jobs, many have little to no local financial or emotional support. It’s crucial we get funds into their hands to help them rebuild their lives.

YEG Hospitality For Jasper is proud to partner with the Edmonton Community Foundation to support Jasper’s hospitality and tourism community. ECF is working with the Banff Canmore Foundation, local municipalities and other Jasper-based charities to ensure that funds are distributed to the hospitality sector.

By combining efforts and resources, our fellow hospitality peers will get the assistance they need. 

How can you help? 

Go to a Jasper Hospitality Fund event, buy a product or donate here: 


Popowich Meat Company is donating proceeds from the sale of the all-beef, made-in-house Jasper weenie, @popowich_meat_company

Bagel Bar is donating proceeds from sales of frozen bagels, in store only, @bagelbar.yeg

Vagabond Pop-ups donated proceeds from the sales of a glass of rosé, @vagabond_popups

 Jacek Chocolate Couture donated Friday sales, @jacekchocolate

Chartier donated proceeds from the Jam for Jasper, @dinechartier

If you are planning a fundraiser for the Jasper Hospitality Fund, let us know!
yegfoodforjasper@gmail.com or @yegfoodforjasper

Thank you YEG hospitality!

Job Board

We’ve launched a simple job board to help Jasper evacuees find work in Edmonton’s hospitality sector.

The Jasper Employment & Education Centre is a community-based organization that provides a range of employment and education services. They are available to assist with work permit questions, workforce re-entry, and other supports.


Who We Are

The YEG Hospitality for Jasper committee is a grassroots group of Edmonton hospitality entrepreneurs: Kaelin Whittaker (Awn Kitchen), Scott Downey (Butternut Tree/The Marc), Peter Keith (Meuwly’s/Beb’s Bagels) and Mary Bailey (The Tomato food & drink).

We hope to unite, catalyze, and support our hospitality community’s efforts to raise funds for Jasper’s tourism and hospitality workers in need.

We’ve partnered with the Edmonton Community Foundation to receive and manage these funds. Their front-line partners will distribute funds and support to the Jasper tourism and hospitality community.